In the Meadow

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Season of Gratitude

Season of Gratitude – Board President, Nancy S Nelson Our first complete year of sharing the Nancy Nelson Lake House with our community is coming to a close. We are proud to be serving a wonderful collection of nonprofits and organizations that impact our communities daily. As we connect with these groups we get an inside…


Hospitality Inside and Out!

As you have come to expect from Charlson Meadows, we love to show gracious hospitality.  This can be seen in our gardens too. With a goal to coexist with the creatures who make their home here, we’ve welcomed bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, mice, deer, and a hungry woodchuck that enjoyed a large bite of each and every beet!  Renee, our Resident Caretaker, brought…

woman in rocking chair

At Ease

Restorative Ease and Silence How wonderful it is to do nothing and rest afterward. Spanish Proverb Ease and silence are rare skills in our fast-paced world. It takes will power and practice to overcome the sea of information confronting us and the task doing that populates our days.  Do you practice doing nothing, resting, and cultivating…

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Look Up

Look up!A walk has the power to change your perspective. It is a simple pleasure more cherished than it was last spring. The view will be varied as we step onto a paved city block, suburban trail, or gravel path, but the shift in scenery is beneficial to everyone. Zoom fatigue is a new phrase…

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Ready, Set, Reset

How are you doing? Today is a good day to check in with yourself. We are well into this season of quarantine.  Both essential service providers, and those whose calendars emptied, have walked this new territory for weeks, though it may seem longer. Take a breath, pause, and ponder. Have you made the transition from self-comfort to self-care? If not, you still…


Making Space for Rest

February is already here!If January has come and gone and your New Years’ resolutions dropped off your to-do list, you have a fresh opportunity to start again!  Your calendar has more empty spaces today than it will the rest of the year. Consider taking some time to add self-care to your calendar to set you…


A Day for the Heart

“…Really care for who you are. Be committed to loving yourself. Take care of your heart and soul.”  Louise Hay, Author By Sharon Franquemont and Nicole Rasmussen Do you take care of both your physical and energetic heart—the energetic heart that leaps with joy or closes with sorrow.? Caretaking both your physical and emotional heart experiences are…


Those We Serve

Charlson Meadows serves a growing variety of non-profits throughout the year. Whether they come for team building, vision casting, or yearly planning, they always leave inspired and refreshed. Their time is well spent in the beautiful Nancy Nelson Lake House and out on our 142 acres of land. We love welcoming guests to our spaces and it is…

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A Whole New World

A Whole New WorldThis is uncharted territory. All of us are facing a new reality. How COVID-19 will go down in our collective memory is a wild unknown. “Social distancing” and “sheltering in place” are new words in our vocabulary.  As the weeks pass we will have a greater sense of what this will mean.…



When was the last time you just played?I mean, really played and lost all track of time because you were fully engaged? Has it been too long? “Play is a basic biological drive as integral to our health and functioning as sleep and nutrition.” -Dr. Stuart Browne MD, National Institute of Play.   The Power…