In the Meadow

Joyful Endurance

September 30, 2024

Lessons from the Zinnia At Charlson Meadows, the Giving Garden is a special place of beauty, and this season, it has been filled with the vibrant blooms of zinnias. Known as the flower of joyful endurance, zinnias thrive in conditions that might cause other flowers to wither. They bloom through drought, under the heat of…

Renewal and Flight: Lessons from the Osprey 

August 30, 2024

At Charlson Meadows, we are fortunate to observe a family of ospreys nesting on a tower near the Life Journey Trail. This year, a young female fledgling fell from the tower before she could fly. She was found dehydrated with an abscess in her mouth caused by an embedded fish bone. Thanks to the quick…

Knowing When You Are Ready:

July 26, 2024

Lessons from Nature From my office window at Charlson Meadows, I have watched many families of young geese. Over a speedy 10-12 weeks, they transform from fluffy goslings into birds I can barely tell apart from the parents.  Just now, as I write, I see their bath time splashing in lake.  One day, while working…

Embracing the Cycles of Nature:

June 28, 2024

Natural cycles govern our world, from the waxing and waning of the moon to the changing seasons. Just as we cannot control the moon’s phases or the arrival of a thunderstorm, we must accept that some aspects of our lives are beyond our control. Processing Disappointment through Nature’s Lens: Just as a sunny day can…

The Gifts of Green 

May 31, 2024

At Charlson Meadows, we believe in the transformative power of nature to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. Among the many gifts of our natural surroundings, the color green stands out as a potent source of healing and tranquility. When our guests enter the gates this time of year, they are welcomed by the green…

Honoring Lynn Charlson

April 3, 2024

April marks the twentieth year since Mr. Charlson’s passing. Lynn Charlson, inventor, business owner, and philanthropist, provided the resources that make Charlson Meadows possible. His story is one of ingenuity, intuition, and hard work. Born in North Dakota, his family moved to South Minneapolis when he was a teenager. Out of high school, he worked as…


March 30, 2024

A recent guest was enamored by one of our kaleidoscopes and shared the simple joy. When looking into a kaleidoscope, we focus and shut out other distractions. With a simple lifting of the chin or lowering of the gaze, we can enjoy a new display. Each peek is unique and temporary. From simple trinkets to…

Let’s Leap!

February 29, 2024

Aligned with the Star Leap Day is marked with traditions and wild lore. For about 2,000 years, we’ve made adjustments to keep our calendar aligned with the revolutions around the sun. If we didn’t adjust the calendar by adding a day every four years, in just 100 years, our calendar would be off by 24…


January 31, 2024

The joyful expectation of good. Hope is a verb. Not just a wish or desire, hope is actionable. More than an emotion, it is knowing your tomorrow can be better than your today, and you have the power to make it so. When we have a hopeful mindset, we show up with strength to meet…

Charlson Meadows front door

The Gift of a Welcome

December 28, 2023

Over the last year, we have had the opportunity to welcome almost 4,000 guests across our threshold. As a Foundation, our mission is to serve the servers of our community with inspiring spaces and gracious hospitality. We believe people are a good investment, and we honor each guest that arrives at our door. What does…