Ready, Set, Reset
July 16, 2020
How are you doing? Today is a good day to check in with yourself. We are well into this season of quarantine. Both essential service providers, and those whose calendars emptied, have walked this new territory for weeks, though it may seem longer. Take a breath, pause, and ponder. Have you made the transition from self-comfort to self-care? If not, you still have time to pivot before our regulations lift. Are you consuming too much on your social media “feeds” or are you fueling yourself with restorative practices like gratitude, time in nature, and reflection? What are you prioritizing? This shaking is showing us what we prioritize and where we turn for stability. This will pass – my grandma says this easily, and she knows. She has seen many things pass in her almost 95 years. When it does, will you be ready for the adventure ahead? Whether you are choosing the way you invest wide-open days or only an unclaimed moment before you crash on your pillow. You have a powerful choice – choose wisely. Take a close look. Are you prioritizing what is truly important? Ready, Set…Reset! If we think of this time as a reset we can look with a positive mindset to focus on what is truly important and establish new rhythms. Will you fall back to your old routine with the mandated regulations added on top, or will you invest this time to reconsider a life that is more focused on your core beliefs? We can all grow and come out stronger. Our mindset is a powerful tool to maintain hopefulness. Looking forward and preparing ourselves for the future will give us a goal to move toward. Stillness is a powerful spiritual discipline, but paralysis is a feeling of being stuck in uncertainty. This is all too real for many in this chaotic season. We can make a powerful choice to free ourselves from paralysis by looking at what we can do to grow. Ponder What have you turned to for strength, comfort, or hope in quarantine? Is this how you want to invest your time going forward? What one thing can you do today to grow? Consider if a physical, spiritual, or emotional goal would have the biggest impact. What tools are available to you to grow in this season so you are ready for the next? Today is a great day to start a small habit and let it grow. We are in this together. Keep holding hope. Nicole Rasmussen Program Director |
Posted in Self Care