Playful Exploration
When was the last time you got lost in a creative and fun activity? The Fairy Glade offers an invitation to remember the playfulness of childhood and gives permission to play again.
Play is serious business!
Play is easy to spot in a neighborhood park or beach, but what does play look like when we reach adulthood? By definition, play is purposeless, all-consuming, and restorative. “Play is a basic biological drive as integral to our health and functioning as sleep and nutrition.” -Dr. Stuart Browne MD, National Institute of Play.
Gifts of play
Play energizes, eases our burdens, and renews a natural sense of optimism that opens us up to new possibilities. David Kelley from the Institute for Design at Stanford University says, “Play is fun, natural, and necessary. It will make better people and a better world.” Adding even a small dose of play into your week reaps benefits, so let’s do our part!
It’s time to play!
Playful Exploration is the theme for our May 22nd Reflective Walk. There are always surprises in the woods for our guests. Registration links are below.
Take it to Heart
- Create a Fun File. Brainstorm ideas for adding fun into your days. Keep it handy when opportunity arises.
- Reminisce about play as a child. What activities brought you the most joy?
- Look ahead in your calendar and reserve time for fun!