Ready or Not

Ready or not!

The signs of transition are showing up here at Charlson Meadows. Our team is looking forward to cooler temperatures for working on the land. How about you?  Maybe you are like me and not in a rush to move to the next season.


When transitions and the pace of life get ahead of us, the calming presence of nature gives us the beautiful gift of comfort. This was part of the design for our willow cabin. The two rocking chairs extend an invitation to sit awhile in the humble cabin and offer comfort within the shelter. 


In this hidden spot, we can let time pass a bit, gather our thoughts, and let them settle. Nature provides shadows and shade as a gift that actually enhances the light. When we are open to shifting perspectives, we can appreciate the gifts hidden in our circumstances. Then, we have the opportunity to choose how we will respond in the transition.

Intentional breathing and reconnecting with our heart are in order to help us return to ease and peace. This simple practice is powerful and free! As we follow nature’s lead and transition to new seasons, we can use all the support we can get!

Take it to Heart:

  • Find a hidden spot in nature near you.
  • Check in with yourself. Focus your attention on your heart, take several intentional deep breaths to quiet yourself, and ask your heart, “What do I need right now?” 
  • Listen with compassion as you would to a friend. No judgment, just ease. 
  • Make a plan to move one step forward to tend to that need. 

by Nicole Rasmussen

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