Meet Renee, Facilities Operations Manager

Meet Renee, our Facilities Operations Manager
Renee Levesque first arrived at Charlson Meadows as a guest. She was one of our favorite kinds of guests – a social worker serving her community. With her endless energy and compassion, she cared for people in prisons, juveniles in the court system, and vulnerable adults for over 26 years. Her education and experience found her working in direct contact mental health, then later in her career she led as the Chief Clinical Officer of Guild.
She has experienced firsthand the benefit of what we offer our guests. When she was ready for a new pace, she became our Resident Caretaker. If you ever wondered who the lucky person is that gets to live in the cute cottage at Charlson Meadows, it’s Renee and her husband, Joal.In this role, she is able to serve but with a different set of skills and still ask the question,” How can I help?”
Renee has a gift for making things better.
As Caretaker, she prepared the Nancy Nelson Lake House to serve guests preferring to set the stage for the event instead of taking the stage. She tends to the gardens and “the girls,” which is how she fondly refers to the chickens, the bees, and Gracie the cat. She has led garden projects from her artistic plan drawings to the delivery of the fresh produce to the community. She connected Charlson Meadows with local food shelves and Humanity Alliance to meet this critical need in our community. (Want to join the volunteer garden team? Email Renee.)
Her New Role
Now in her new role as Facilities Operations Manager, Renee will be adding overseeing the daily operations on the property to her duties. During your next visit, If you meet Renee in the Lake House or in the gardens, you will probably hear her ask, “How can I help?”
Renee’s Favorites:
Ice Cream: Peppermint Bonbon
Place at Charlson Meadows: Stone Lake and the gardens (of course)
Produce from the Garden: Heirloom tomatoes
Flower in our Garden: Dahlia
Renee has added so much to our team, her creativity, her thoughtful nature, and her sense of fun add to the heart of what we do at Charlson Meadows. “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” ~ Audrey Hepburn