Living From a Grateful Heart

 Life Journey Series

Featured site: Hidden Heart Haven is tucked in the woods past the Wisdom Tree.  

Living from a Grateful Heart is a Choice.
Since every day isn’t picture perfect, extra effort may be required to find something good. The investment of looking to find something – even if it is little – is a valuable process. It builds an expectation for good.  We have the ability to reframe our perspective and expect good in each day. 

Living Life from a Grateful Heart Has Benefits.
Research continues to show wide-ranging benefits of gratitude: improved duration and quality of sleep, increased sense of optimism, better connection in relationships, and a greater ability to attain goals. A simple gratitude practice creates a big impact!

Living Life from a Grateful Heart is a Gift.
When we choose to invest in being grateful and expressing that gratitude to others, we all benefit. If we are intentional to position our hearts to be grateful, we have optimism and positivity to share. When others feel seen and acknowledged for who they are or how they show up in the world, more good is sure to follow. 

Take it to Heart

  • Enjoy the process of crafting a simple text, email, or note to share your appreciation with someone.  Then enjoy knowing that you lifted someone’s heart in a meaningful way. You both benefit! 
  • The next time you are served at a restaurant or store, take an extra moment to give a genuine smile along with your “thank you,” 

*Sharon Franquemont developed our Life Journey Program. These unique spaces on the land are intended to foster a meaningful connection with nature and hold space for self-reflection and growth. More pictures of the Hidden Heart Haven are online. 

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