In the Meadow

Meet Holly, Executive Director

September 11, 2021

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain Holly knew from an early age that she wanted to help people, but unlike her mom and her sister, the sight of blood makes her faint, so nursing was out of the…

Meet Barb, Board Member

August 11, 2021

Introducing Barb Hone, Board Member of Charlson Meadows It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. ~ Albert Einstein Barb Hone is a teacher at heart. She will always teach – it’s the subject matter that changes. Whether it’s writing, private piano lessons, or another creative endeavor, Barb…

Meet our Vice President

July 15, 2021

“When the winds in your life change, it is a sign to adjust your sails.”  -In memory of George Ward The Vice President of our Board, Mary Hershberger Thun, has adjusted her sails throughout her life including stops at the University of Minnesota in the Student Services and Financial Aid Departments, serving as Mayor of…

Meet Nancy, President of Charlson Meadows

June 15, 2021

If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks.  That’s how dreams are achieved.–Unknown It started as a dream-a big dream.Charlson Meadows is a place that inspires with the power of beauty, both in the natural spaces and the exquisite details of the Nancy Nelson Lake House. A little historyNancy Nelson worked for Lynn Charlson,…

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, but…

December 17, 2020

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but…Here we are deep into the holiday season, and again in 2020, navigating new territory. We have a choice to say “Bah humbug” or reimagine how we celebrate.  Many have lost heart this year, and a boost of joy can be a helpful remedy.  What brings you joy? What fills you…

Season of Gratitude

December 16, 2020

Season of Gratitude – Board President, Nancy S Nelson Our first complete year of sharing the Nancy Nelson Lake House with our community is coming to a close. We are proud to be serving a wonderful collection of nonprofits and organizations that impact our communities daily. As we connect with these groups we get an inside…

Hospitality Inside and Out!

September 17, 2020

As you have come to expect from Charlson Meadows, we love to show gracious hospitality.  This can be seen in our gardens too. With a goal to coexist with the creatures who make their home here, we’ve welcomed bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, mice, deer, and a hungry woodchuck that enjoyed a large bite of each and every beet!  Renee, our Resident Caretaker, brought…

At Ease

August 6, 2020

Restorative Ease and Silence How wonderful it is to do nothing and rest afterward. Spanish Proverb Ease and silence are rare skills in our fast-paced world. It takes will power and practice to overcome the sea of information confronting us and the task doing that populates our days.  Do you practice doing nothing, resting, and cultivating…

Look Up

July 16, 2020

Look up!A walk has the power to change your perspective. It is a simple pleasure more cherished than it was last spring. The view will be varied as we step onto a paved city block, suburban trail, or gravel path, but the shift in scenery is beneficial to everyone. Zoom fatigue is a new phrase…

Ready, Set, Reset

July 16, 2020

How are you doing? Today is a good day to check in with yourself. We are well into this season of quarantine.  Both essential service providers, and those whose calendars emptied, have walked this new territory for weeks, though it may seem longer. Take a breath, pause, and ponder. Have you made the transition from self-comfort to self-care? If not, you still…