Trevor Luedke, Facilities Staff

Trevor Luedke, Facilities Staff
“All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney
Have you enjoyed the view or a fire at Council Point? You can thank Trevor. Starting in middle school, he spent summers removing buckthorn with a group of friends who affectionately became known as the Buckthorn Boys. They cleared the entire peninsula and developed it into what is now Council Point. The space, with a campfire ring and picnic tables, is a favorite spot for many guests.
After college at Bemidji State, Trevor accepted a full-time position at Charlson Meadows. As the youngest on the facilities team, Trevor has been jokingly known as the “expendable”. He takes on the jobs like removing a light that was wired high up in our hackberry tree or using the lift to put the star at the top of the 20-foot Christmas tree. As efficient as our team is, who knew they were all afraid of heights?
Trevor enjoys being outdoors and working on a wide variety of tasks, which includes making the maple syrup this time of year. Soon it will be mowing season where he will spend endless hours on the mower taking meticulous care of our lawns
Trevor has the courage to pursue his dreams. Besides obtaining his realtor’s license, he owns a hunting outfitting business, which specializes in waterfowl hunts. It is especially rewarding for Trevor to take youth on their first hunting experience.
Come August there will be another dream fulfilled, and a celebration, when Trevor marries Alyssa on their new property in Plato, Minnesota, where they plan to build a home for themselves and their dog Titan.
At Charlson Meadows, we love having Trevor on our team. His willingness to pick up any task and see it through, his quick wit, and his sense of humor brighten our days.
Trevor’s Favorite
Ice Cream: Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard
Place at Charlson Meadows: Serenity Path
Produce from the Giving Garden: Watermelon and peas
Flower in the Cutting Garden: Daisy, which will make an appearance at the wedding