‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, but…

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but…
Here we are deep into the holiday season, and again in 2020, navigating new territory. We have a choice to say “Bah humbug” or reimagine how we celebrate.  Many have lost heart this year, and a boost of joy can be a helpful remedy. 

What brings you joy? What fills you with delight? 
Sometimes you have to dig a bit deeper to uncover joy, but the process will be worth it.  When you have found it, hold it for awhile-really linger with it, then share it. Your joy is bound to increase when your focus is delivering such a special gift to others. 

Share Joy!
Who in your circle can use some joy? Expand to reach outside of your immediate circle into your community.  Where can you sow joy?  Is it with a donation of time to serve or sharing the burden of those especially hurt financially this year? 

Obstacles to connection will require creativity-so stir up your creative juices. Consider reminiscing favorite memories over those Holiday Zooms. Learn what brings your loved ones joy.  Help others turn their thoughts to what brings them delight, and we can multiply our investment! 

Nicole Rasmussen
Program Director

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