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Knowing When You Are Ready:

Lessons from Nature

From my office window at Charlson Meadows, I have watched many families of young geese. Over a speedy 10-12 weeks, they transform from fluffy goslings into birds I can barely tell apart from the parents.  Just now, as I write, I see their bath time splashing in lake. 

One day, while working on the back deck, I heard a rustling in the woods below. I peered down to find an adult goose leading its brood up a hill. With their tiny legs, this climb would be like asking toddlers to scale a mountain! Despite their small size, the goslings had to navigate cross-country to reach the pond. This challenging journey strengthened their legs, just one of many ways I saw them develop.

I was curious how they knew when it was time to fly. How did they know they could handle their first flight? Their wings were fuzzy just weeks ago. The young geese don’t question their ability to fly; they trust the rhythm of their development. Our readiness often emerges from within, a natural progression of our experiences and inner growth. Readiness comes from gradual growth and progress.

Recently, we had a visitor at Charlson Meadows who taught us about the incredible journey of the monarch butterfly. In just two weeks, the monarch egg grows 2,000 times its original size to become a caterpillar before forming its chrysalis. This rapid growth is a testament to nature’s perfect timing. The monarch doesn’t rush its process; it patiently undergoes each stage, emerging only when fully prepared. We can learn from the monarch to honor our own growth phases. Recognizing our readiness involves acknowledging the changes we’ve undergone and seeing our own growth.

Both the goose and the monarch reflect the wisdom of nature, reminding us that readiness is part of our journey. With this wisdom, we can discern when we are prepared to take the next step. Embracing these signals and appreciating our progress helps us move forward with confidence and grace. Just as the geese learn to soar and the monarchs transform on schedule, we too can embrace the beautiful stages of our own journeys, knowing that we are ready.

Take it to Heart

  1. Trust Your Instincts: Just as the geese and monarchs trust their natural rhythms, listen to your inner voice and trust your instincts. They often know when you are ready before you consciously do.
  2. Honor Your Growth: Take time to reflect on your personal growth and the changes you have undergone. Recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem.
  3. Be Patient with Yourself: Understand that readiness doesn’t happen overnight. Allow yourself the time and space to grow at your own pace, knowing that each stage of your journey is essential for your overall development.
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