Meet Jim Jordan, Facilities Staff

“Work with your brain, not your back.”
A quote from a wise neighbor farmer
Jim Jordan has needed both his brain AND his back for his work at Charlson Meadows. He knows a lot about a lot of things, and that is exactly what Charlson Meadows needs. Jim has been an integral part of our maintenance staff for more than ten years.
Being raised on a farm gave him a good start at developing a wide variety of the skills needed for his job. Around here, it is understood that If Jim can’t fix it, no one can. Thankfully he is a patient teacher and willing to teach other staff along the way. Jim loves the variety of work and the opportunity to spend time outside.
Jim attended the University of Minnesota, where he met his wife, Roxanne. They live on the 80-acre farm where he was born and later raised their two sons, Luke & Matthew. He enjoys tinkering in his shop, deer hunting, and spending time at his cabin near Lake Superior.
Jim’s warm, kind nature and ready laugh are always enjoyed by our staff. His tenacity to find and implement solutions helps keep Charlson Meadows in tip-top shape.
Jim’s Favorites
Ice Cream: Chocolate
Place at Charlson Meadows: The woods on the west side of the Wisdom Tree.
Produce from the Garden: Cherry Tomatoes