Stone Lake

Like nature, we can have invasive thoughts, acts, and  preoccupations. Do you want to release and discard  something? Visit this site left of the wildflower circle. Pick up  a stick to represent what you  want to let go. Sit on a log and  focus on your decision. When  ready, place your stick on the  center rocks and leave the past  behind. Our staff periodically transforms the sticks into something useful to nature. 

Stone Lake is our sunset lake.  At the end of each day, nature teaches us it is time to rest and restore. Just as a day ends, so do we experience endings in our lives. It is important to rest and restore yourself as one of your life cycles draws to a close.  

In the Bible, God rested after He created Heaven and Earth.  In Buddhism, one seeks emptiness. In Hinduism, one  seeks inner stillness. For Native Americans, bear’s hibernation teaches the value of solitude, quietude, and rest. Some African tribes emphasize the importance of stillness within  the dance—even in movement  rest and stillness are found.  

Nature can teach us everything.  ~Mokichi Okada

– Contemplate endings and transitions in your life. Did you rest before something new began? If not, review these endings, forgive and let go any associated difficulties and gift yourself with stillness. Experience deep rest.

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Nature can teach us everything.
~Mokichi Okada