Meadow Sculpture

The Meadow Sculpture, standing in front of the Charlson Building, represents Gratitude to us. The work of local artist Heidi Hoy, Meadow also inspired our logo created by Jody Majeres Clark and our Meadow Labyrinth. Gratitude is central to happiness. Many people who start a daily gratitude journal report increased happiness and contentment.

– At the conclusion of the Life Journey, come visit our Meadow Sculpture and express gratitude in whatever way is natural to you.

– You might find it helpful to review your experience. Did being in nature help you? Was it a relaxing, healing, or inspiring experience? What will you remember? Will you take something home from this experience?

Meadow Statue - 3

If the only prayer you said was thank you that would be enough.
~Meister Eckhart